
Terumo Blood Bags

High-quality, high-value blood bags with advanced donor safety features.

Terumo Blood Bags are the right choice for blood centers looking to add flexibility through sterile connection and customize bags based on processing needs. They simplify inventory, eliminating the need for multiple types of blood bags in various configurations.


  • Option to personalize safety features: available with needle protection, pre-donation bags, and multi-sampling luer adapters.
  • Manufactured using high-quality biocompatible materials with a shape that improves mixing.
  • Enhances donor comfort with a high-quality phlebotomy needle.

Available in traditional and top-and-bottom styles with the following options:

  • One to five bags.
  • CPDA-1 (citrate phosphate dextrose adenine) anticoagulant.
  • CPD (citrate phosphate dextrose) anticoagulant and SAG-M (saline adenine glucose mannitol) additive solution.
  • CPD anticoagulant and AS-5 additive solution, depending on configuration.

Note: Not all Terumo Blood Bag products are registered, approved for sale, or available in all markets.