Zpět: Dezinfekce rukou


Alcoholic hand disinfectant

Alcoholic, perfume-free disinfectant to be rubbed into the skin and hands. DESCODERM contains no persistent long-term acting ingredients or other additives which might have an irritating or sensitising effect on the skin. Dermatologically recommended for the disinfection of hands and skin of people prone to allergy and persons with sensitive skin.

100 g solution contain: 63.1 g (70 % V/V) 2-propanol.

 Container size DU  REF
100 ml pocket-sized bottle 20 00-401-001EXP
250 ml pump spray bottle 30 00-401-0025EX
500 ml bottle 20 00-401-005EX
1 l bottle 12 00-401-010EXP
5 l canister 3 00-401-050EX


Use disinfectants safely. Always read the label and product information before use.